熊老闆的網路視界 x Ecomm Manager 電商經理

Brett Allsop,一路好走。

上星期,收到 Allsop 總經理 Brett 的 mail,並經由國際快遞收到一批新商品的樣品。今天得知,Brett 幾天前因車禍過世,享年 38 歲。(關於 Brett Allsop 的生平簡介

我跟 Brett 只有過兩次的 mail 往返,居間也都有 Allsop 亞洲分公司的主管協助,過去曾引進為數不多的小周邊,大多靠著團購、活動,庫存也不算多,實在談不上熟悉。不過,過去的合作中,對於 Allsop 這個家族企業的過去與一直很有興趣,也在網路上曾看過不少關於 Brett 的資訊。原本對 Allsop 集團即將發展的另一個品牌 Ohmetric 還有些興趣,沒想到上週才收到樣品,卻在今天得知此一噩耗。

跟 Richard ( 原 Allsop 亞洲區主管,也是位台灣朋友 ) 在 MSN 上簡單交談後,可以敢受到 Richard 對這位老主管、故友的懷念與不捨。

Anyway,祝 Brett 一路好走,也與 Richard 共勉:Keep walking。

延伸閱讀:Allsop 幾款小周邊

[分享] ALLSOP Home-Port 具整線功能的數位周邊直立座
[分享] Allsop 智慧型組合式差旅整線盒
Allsop 滑鼠墊三擇一:不負責講評
[分享] Allsop Cool Channel Platform 三合一筆記型電腦膝上散熱座

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2000 年以前,在傳統產業工作,以廣告公關業為主,包括公關公司、科技公司與汽車工業。2000 年後進入電子商務、拍賣與搜尋行銷等網路領域。2005 年投身創業,2017 再入職場,挑戰新世代的零售業。




コメント一覧 (2)

  • How I remember Brett Allsop

    I was shocked and lost my mind when the unexpected incident about Brett hit me, his friends and family shared the same sorrowful moment as none of us were ready to face this great lost. The memories were still vivid and I can still remember his voice, I know it is much harder for people who spend time with him closely everyday.

    He is a charismatic leader who is capable of lighten up the team spirit with ideas. For long time, I’ve not seen such brilliant soul. His
    kindness, dauntless, brightness, genuineness, and passionate spirit
    show the good side of human being could be. I am the person with soft heart, yet he had proven me a soft heart can be very strong and influential and always reaching out to help others. My deepest regret is not able to exert myself for him again to prove his idea is good and can be achieved. He is a great son, father, colleague, and friend and shall not be forgotten.

    I have no one here share my feeling, I believe only people who were touched my Brett can undersatnd it.



